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How To Never Run Out Of Things To Say

September 5, 2024

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Julien Blanc Instructor

Ever find yourself running out of things to say during a conversation? 

Whether it’s with a stranger, a friend, or even a family member, we’ve all been there.

 You might rely on the usual go-tos like, “The weather’s pretty crazy, right?” :B

But here’s the thing: while content matters, it’s NOT the only thing.

In fact, vibe is even more important.

Let me introduce you to a concept I call the Four Layers of Communication.

Imagine any interaction as having these four layers:

  1. What You Say: This is the surface level that everyone obsesses over. What’s the perfect thing to say during a job interview or when meeting someone new? While popular, it’s the least important.
  2. How You Say It: This includes your tone, pitch, and inflection. Ever notice how your voice might go up at the end of a sentence when you’re trying to please someone? It’s NOT natural. Compare that to how you speak when you’re relaxed with friends or family; your voice naturally goes down at the end.
  3. Your Intention: This is the layer where your underlying motives come into play. Are you offering value or taking it? Even asking a question can be seen as taking if it’s driven by neediness. But if asked with good vibes, it’s offering value.
  4. Your Overall Self-Esteem: This is your level of confidence and how grounded you are in yourself. It’s the hardest to fake and the most powerful.

Understanding these layers means realizing that deeper levels hold more power.

If you KEEP RUNNING OUT OF THINGS TO SAY, you’re focusing too much on the surface layer.

Lower the bar for what you feel you need to say and let the conversation flow naturally.

Remember, humans are pre-verbal beings.

We learn through feeling and emotional intelligence before we even develop language.

This is where honest communication happens, the stuff that’s almost impossible to fake.

Think about hiring someone.

You wouldn’t just rely on their resume.

You’d want to MEET THEM, see how they communicate, feel their vibe.

It’s the same in conversations.

Lower the bar for yourself.

The more comfortable you are with saying even dumb things, the more confident you appear.

True confidence is being able to say, “Hey, I ran out of things to say,” and laugh about it.

Embrace your awkwardness.

If you embarrass yourself, you’re taking risks, playing to win, and ultimately being more authentic.

Interesting stories often come from embarrassing moments, not from playing it cool all the time.

If you find yourself putting on a front, remember that authenticity attracts the right people into your life.

Dropping the facade may scare some people away, but those are the ones who only resonated with your fake front anyway.

It’s about being true to yourself, even if it means losing some people along the way.

The relationships that matter will adapt to your authenticity.

In the end, being real and authentic is not just about what you say, but how you live.

Let’s drop the roles and start living our way through life.

-> Watch this to learn more confidence hacks <-

– Julien Blanc

P.S. Ready to let go of what’s holding you back? If you’re looking to let go of past trauma, break free from limiting beliefs, and overcome social anxiety, CLICK HERE TO APPLY FOR ONLINE COACHING. Let’s start this journey together!

P.P.S. Want to experience this in person? Get your ticket for the NO ANXIETY TOUR. Click here to secure your spot and take the next step towards a life without anxiety!

Julien Blanc Instructor

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