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The Ultimate Cheat Code for a Fulfilling Life

September 5, 2024

Before we dive into this, if you’re feeling a bit lost or lonely and think talking it out could help, why not schedule a quick 15-minute chat with one of my awesome assistants? It’s totally free, and who knows, it might just make your day a bit brighter. Click here to apply for a call

Julien Blanc Instructor

Let’s dive into a perspective that has brought me some of the most profound epiphanies: COMPARING LIFE TO A VIDEO GAME. 

I know it might sound a bit odd at first, but stick with me—it REALLY helps to explain a lot about our experiences and how we can navigate them.

Imagine life as a video game where you are both the player and the character.

 Your character can level up, gain new skills, and collect items. 

But does this change who you are as the player? No, it doesn’t. 

Similarly, in life, your essence—your core self—remains the same, regardless of the achievements or failures of your character.

When playing a video game, what’s the ultimate goal? To have fun and ENJOY THE EXPERIENCE. 

You don’t only enjoy level 10; you find joy in each level, with all its challenges and victories. 

Life is the same. 

Every stage, from the beginning to the end, is part of the journey, and each phase offers its OWN UNIQUE experiences and growth opportunities.

Now, let’s talk about adversity. 

Just like in a video game, life throws challenges your way.

 These are the tough quests that make the game interesting. 

You might struggle, face setbacks, and have to keep trying, but each challenge helps you grow and gain valuable insights. 

The key is to see these difficulties AS PART OF the adventure, not as insurmountable obstacles.

When it comes to finding your purpose, think of it in two parts: discovering your character and embarking on your quest. 

Your primary purpose is to understand your character—what are your strengths, your natural abilities, the things that come effortlessly to you? 

Once you know this, your secondary purpose is to choose quests that ALIGN with your character’s strengths and passions.

For example, some of you might be naturally creative, while others are more analytical. 

Your quests—your goals and actions—should reflect these strengths. 

If you’re a creative type, your purpose might involve artistic endeavors. 

If you’re analytical, it might involve solving complex problems.

Think about your life right now. 

Are you trying to escape the challenges of your “9 to 5” or the pressures of having a boss? 

The goal ISN’T to escape these structures but to find roles that resonate with who you are. 

Find a “9 to 5” or a boss that you don’t want to escape from, where your daily activities align with your passions and strengths.

Remember, fulfillment doesn’t come from reaching a certain level or achieving a particular status. 

It comes from enjoying the process, from doing what you love every day.

 Whether you’re making millions or just enough to get by, what matters is that YOUR ACTIONS ALIGH WITH WHAT YOU TRULY ENJOY.

Lastly, embrace the challenges and changes in your life. 

Transformation often requires breaking out of your comfort zone and facing discomfort head-on. 

It’s about being true to yourself, even if it means LOSING PEOPLE who only resonated with your old self. 

It’s about living in a way that, when you look back on your life, you can be proud of the way you played the game.

So, take a moment to reflect

What are the actions and pursuits that bring you the most joy? 

How can you DESIGN YOUR LIFE to do more of what you love? 

Embrace life as the grand adventure it is, with all its ups and downs, and live in a way that makes your future self proud.

-> Watch now: Life Is A VIDEO GAME… (Here’s How To Win) <-

– Julien Blanc

P.S. Ready to let go of what’s holding you back? If you’re looking to let go of past trauma, break free from limiting beliefs, and overcome social anxiety, CLICK HERE TO APPLY FOR ONLINE COACHING. Let’s start this journey together!

P.P.S. Want to experience this in person? Get your ticket for the NO ANXIETY TOUR. Click here to secure your spot and take the next step towards a life without anxiety!

Julien Blanc Instructor

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