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The Unexpected Confidence Builder

September 5, 2024

Before we dive into this, if you’re feeling a bit lost or lonely and think talking it out could help, why not schedule a quick 15-minute chat with one of my awesome assistants? It’s totally free, and who knows, it might just make your day a bit brighter. Click here to apply for a call

Julien Blanc Instructor

When you hear the word “vulnerability,” what comes to mind? 

For many, it’s words like “weak,” “soft,” “naive,” “pathetic,” “stupid,” or “open to danger,”.

These labels are deeply ingrained in our minds, creating a lot of RESISTANCE to the very concept.

Yet, vulnerability is actually one of the best pieces of advice you can follow.

Vulnerability is the essence of authenticity and confidence. 

When you embrace vulnerability, you’re essentially saying, “I have nothing to hide.” 

This openness is what makes you TRULY CONFIDENT because there’s no anxiety about being discovered or exposed.
If you’re talking to someone and feel anxious, ask yourself: “What am I hiding?” and “What am I hoping to get from this person?” 

Anxiety stems from hiding and seeking approval. 

Remove those elements, and anxiety disappears.

Being vulnerable doesn’t mean being gullible. 

It means owning who you are and dropping the facade. 

When you do this, you become incredibly magnetic. 

People are drawn to authenticity because it shows that you have NO SHAME around who you are. 

There’s no fear, no anxiety, just pure, unfiltered you.

Shame is the enemy of vulnerability. 

The more shame you carry, the harder it is to be authentic. 

Interestingly, the things we feel the most shame about are often the most universal experiences. 

Everyone has felt NOT GOOD ENOUGH at some point. 

Realizing that you’re not alone in your struggles can help you let go of that shame. 

This is why I emphasize vulnerability in my teachings and why I share examples of real people being open about their issues. 

It shows you that it’s NOT just you—everyone has their own struggles.

At any given moment, you are who you are. 

You can’t change that instantaneously.

 You can either resist it or embrace it. 

Embracing who you are, EVEN IF there are things you’re working on, leads to a more pleasant experience of being alive. 

Everyone has their own mess; no one’s life is as perfect as it might seem on the surface. 

Recognizing this can help you feel more at ease with yourself.

People often think they have it worse than anyone else because WE ALL HIDE our struggles. 

We put on a brave face and pretend everything is fine. 

But what if we all dropped those fronts? What if we normalized being open about our issues? The world would be a much better place. 

We would feel a greater sense of unity, knowing that EVERYONE is dealing with their own challenges.

You might feel fear about showing your true self, but REMEMBER that shame and fear go hand in hand. 

People experience shame in different ways: apathy, victimhood, fear, anger. 

It affects everyone differently, but the underlying cause is the same. 

We’re afraid of being seen for who we really are.

Social media exacerbates this issue. 

We curate our lives to show only the best parts, and then we compare our entire reality to these highlight reels. 

It’s an unfair comparison that fuels our insecurities. 

Even if you know me from YouTube, you only see a part of my life. 

I’m not perfect; I still get triggered, angry, stressed, and nervous. 

I’m on my own journey, just like you.

If more people were honest about their struggles, it would be a breath of fresh air.

It would make everyone feel more comfortable being themselves. 

This is what I aim to achieve with my work—promoting authenticity and helping people see that they’re not alone.

Approval, control, and safety are the three false gods we often chase. 

We seek validation from others, try to control our environments, and strive for security, thinking these will make us happy. 

But TRUE fulfillment comes from within. 

Approve of yourself, trust yourself, and feel safe in who you are. 

Nothing external can give you this; it has to come from inside.

Life is unpredictable. 

There will always be ups and downs, but the sooner you accept this, the sooner you can truly live. 

Embrace vulnerability, let go of shame, and be authentically you. 

This is where true confidence and happiness lie.

-> Watch Now: “The Silent Hack That Makes People Magnetic” <-

– Julien Blanc

P.S. Ready to let go of what’s holding you back? If you’re looking to let go of past trauma, break free from limiting beliefs, and overcome social anxiety, CLICK HERE TO APPLY FOR ONLINE COACHING. Let’s start this journey together!

P.P.S. Want to experience this in person? Get your ticket for the NO ANXIETY TOUR. Click here to secure your spot and take the next step towards a life without anxiety!

Julien Blanc Instructor

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